Tuesday, October 28, 2008


QQ is kind of a combination of America's AOL, Myspace, and GMail. In urban China, where every city block has no less than four internet cafes, having QQ is as common as eating Bao Zi- very! Well I've been writing my personal statement for law schools about how important Guanxi (networking, making connections) is in China, and I just realized I still don't have QQ, so, I got it. 1069018353 is my new Chinese online identity! Ya this randomly-generated number is a bit hard to remember, so if you think of it as a phone number it can also be: 10-ox-018-elf. Ya, I think I like that better...

1 comment:

Bill Dan Courtney said...

Yes I too just QQ. My wife, who is Tibet right now, and I are chatting on it. I backed up that number. I still, really, do not even know my own cell phone number. weird. I got the English version but I have some very basic skills and can send her some 汉字 as long as she keeps her replies simple, which she does.